Have you ever wondered what the switches above the kitchen worktops in your High Wycombe area home are for? It's a switched fused connection unit - let's find out more about them.
What are switched fused connection units? Plugs Electrical, High Wycombe
Why use a switched fused connection unit?
The wiring regulations require any socket outlet hidden behind an appliance (such as a washing machine or a dishwasher) is able to be isolated before the removal and maintenance of that appliance.
Therefore these 'switched fused connection units' as they are called are there as a means of isolation for the socket usually immediately below the isolator underneath the worktop and behind an appliance. It should be obvious by location or labelling what the isolator does although unfortunately this is not always the case.
You will also find switched fused connection units near your boiler for the same purpose and any other fixed appliances around the home should also have one for isolation purposes.
Installing a switched fused connection unit
The isolators come with a 13A cartridge fuse pre-installed however, care should be taken when changing the fuse in these isolators as they are not always the original 13A one. For example the boiler will have a 3A fuse installed.
Care should also be taken when wiring these isolators as they have a 'supply' side connection and a 'load' side connection. I recently attended a call-out where the previous kitchen fitter had wired all the connection units incorrectly and had the ring wired in and out of the supply and load respectively meaning when the right combination of switches above the kitchen worktop were in the off position the sockets in the living room went off!!!!
These days we tend not to install these isolators above the worktop anymore as with the introduction, for example, of glass splashbacks the cost of cutting a hole in these soon added up with the socket outlets also needing to be fitted in the glass. So, we generally install fused connection units and socket outlets in base unit cupboards local to the appliance to be plugged in. Hidden away but accessible for safe isolation.
Call Tony on 07944 162958 for all your electrical needs.